When a Teacher Shares...
Sometime around New Year's Eve 2015 - I was seeing the #OneWord hashtag being used by my Twitter PLN and saw Karly Moura had created and shared a #OneWord HyperDoc for teachers to use with their students when coming back from winter break. I was inspired to use this great lesson. So I made a copy of it and modify it to better fit my class. I shared my version of the lesson on Twitter. For the next couple of years, I continued to tweak and make changes and share my version of the #OneWord HyperDoc. The reaction to me sharing this lesson and what has happened since is nothing more than incredible for me to experience! It is through this experience that I am sharing with you, you get a glimpse of what happens WHEN TEACHERS SHARE. YOU INSPIRE OTHERS! I was inspired by Karly with her original lesson and consequently, I inspired other teachers to use my remixed version I shared. Others didn't have to use it, but I put it about there to help and inspire others if they found va...